USAOPOLY: : The Fast Flippn' Quick Grabbn' Card Game

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  • Ratuki (ra-too-kee) means “fast” in Aymara, an indigenous language spoken in South America, and the game is just as quirky as the name
  • Easy family game perfect for when you want a fast game – 2 to 5 players simultaneously race to unload their cards by playing on shared ascending and descending stacks
  • This quick card game comes with cards containing the numbers 1 through 5 represented by various number symbols, roman numerals and words that players must match in order
  • Includes 170 Ratuki game cards, 5 reminder cards, and instructions
  • 2-5 Players | Ages 7+ | 15 Min Play Time

Ratuki (ra-too-kee) is the fast fast flippin’, quick grabbin’ fun family card game where 2 to 5 players simultaneously race to unload their cards by playing on shared ascending and descending stacks. If you like speed, you’ll love the fun frenzied excitement of Ratuki! Be the first to slam down a five and yell "RATUKI!" to claim a stack. Between the different designs and colors, you'll have to think fast and sort faster!

Players simultaneously race against each other to put those cards in ascending and descending sequential order on shared piles. Each player’s goal is to get rid of their cards first, while at the same time collect the most cards. Players can collect cards by playing any 5 or a wild Ratuki card on a pile. When a player is out of cards all play stops, and each player counts the number of cards collected and subtracts the cards left in their hand to get their score. The first player to 100 wins!